Volunteer Form

CSA needs volunteer college students, teachers, professors, bureaucrats - people desirous of field research & political writing in English and Hindi.

We need volunteers in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and other parts of India to :

  1. Translate oral and written material from Hindi to English, and vice versa.
  2. Locate and interview Charan Singh’s associates in various parts of India. All of his contemporaries are long gone, but there are many scores of people who were his junior lieutenants and can yet be interviewed.  These people are also aging, and it is imperative their memories are documented and retained for posterity.
  3. Collect photographs of Charan Singh from independent small photographers. Most, if not all, of these studios the film camera photographers worked for are extinct but with some detective work, some can yet be traced through the families of these photographers.
  4. Collect material on Charan Singh. These will be books, speeches, letters, political party manifestoes etc. related to Charan Singh.
  5. Collect press articles on and speeches & articles by Charan Singh at newspaper and newsmagazine archives in Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Allahabad, Meerut and other cities in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa and other parts of India.
  6.  Write a blog post (in Hindi or English) on your recollection of a meeting or any event where Charan Singh touched your life.
Please choose how you can volunteer

Contribution Form

Please donate material to CSA:

  1. Original editions of any of the books written by Charan Singh
  2. Original cuttings from newspapers or news magazines on Charan Singh
  3. Original copies of manifestoes of political parties established by Charan Singh: BKD, BLD, Janata Party, LD
  4. Original letters written by Charan Singh
  5. Speeches (hard copy, audio or video) by Charan Singh
  6. Photographs of Charan Singh
  7. Any other material from Charan Singh’s personal or political career - associated with his time in the Indian National Congress, Bhartiya Kranti Dal (BKD), Bhartiya Lok Dal (BLD), Janata Party or Lok Dal (like party fund collection slips)
Please choose how you can contribute