Tripathi’s tenure commences an era of misrule, casteism and corruption, the opposition under Charan Singh broadens mandate to minorities

Aug 1971
Photographed at a family planning seminar, June 9, 1970 Photographed at a family planning seminar, June 9, 1970

The ceaseless and venal promotion of upper castes seemed almost the raison d’être of the new Tripathi government, 
Mrs. Gandhi also made sure the ministry was full of her toothless acolytes. Paul Brass encapsulates the Tripathi government thus: “this was a period of government by incompetents, buffoons, and corrupt politicians hand-picked by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to maintain her control of the state, absolutely essential to her dominance in the country as a whole.”

Charan Singh, now once again the Leader of the Opposition, found an easy target in the new government. The assembly became a particarlary virulent arena of accusations and counter-accusations. One such is reproduced here (August 8, 1971 press release)

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