Singh publishes a note on the working of the UP and national government, castigates the wide corruption, mishandling of the Bangladeshi crisis, and ignorance among those in power of pressing agrarian issues

25 Oct 1971
CCS at Faizabad, date unknown, 1970s CCS at Faizabad, date unknown, 1970s

While criticising the economic policy of the New Congress government in power, Singh notes that levies on the common people have increased. Inflation prevalent in the market cannot be attributed merely to the high price of agricultural produce but to the reckless unproductive expenditure the government is seen freely indulging in. He also notes the lack of attention paid to the stream of refugees now thronging India’s borders from Bangladesh. He further expresses shock at the government fixing the price of sugarcane at a very low Rs.7.37 when the price of sugar was vaulting in the market. In a problem that rings true to this day, he sounded an urgent klaxon on mill-owners sitting on the farmers’ due for months on end with no succours. In the opposition, the BKD maintained itself as the sole voice of the peasantry.