Changing fate of the UP government with Indira Gandhi’s victory in the Lok Sabha elections, SVD’s T.N. Singh resigns; Kamlapati Tripathi made Chief Minister

31 Mar 1971
CCS in Lucknow, 1972 CCS in Lucknow, 1972

Indira Gandhi’s victory at the centre gave a significant filip to the state of UP politics. While the SVD began its third tenure with a confident majority, Congress (R)’s increasing strength staged a significant reversal. By the end of March, more than twenty defections took place from the SVD to the Congress (R), and no less than 9 ministers resigned to join the new party. On March 31, the slobbering SVD was defeated on an opposition amendment to the motion of thanks for the Governor’s address. Seeing the writing on the wall, T.N. Singh immediately resigned. The governor, Gopala Reddy, now invited Kamlapati Tripathi of the Congress (R) to form a new government.